DoneJS Contributors Meeting – 2017-01-20

Rough meeting notes:

Attendees: @BigAB @chasen @justinbmeyer @matthewp @phillipskevin @pYr0x

Discussed topics:

Updates to the guides for DoneJS 1:

New CanJS templating syntax:

  • Summary of Bitovi discussion:
    – Two proposals from Justin: can-semijs and variable-based can-stache 4.0
    – Idea: implement something quickly that can fix a lot of the current issues with can-stache while leveraging our current tech, then maybe implement something better & more more ambitious long-term
  • Three current big weaknesses of CanJS: stache, assembling custom connections, can-set algebra
  • Chasen’s proposal: set a date by which we will accept proposals, then the core team can review & vote
  • Agreed on Friday 3/10 as our tentative due date and Friday 3/17 as the earliest date for the core team’s discussion
  • Justin will create a “super” issue to talk about the problems and integration points



  • Born out of frustration with a bug in how can-view-parse would handle <my-element attr="/>"/>
  • Didn’t use Jison because we don’t need/want generated source code
  • This project could be helpful to people who are proposing new template syntaxes

GitHub’s CSP post:

  • Need to see how we can apply the lessons learned to StealJS or SSR

Applying Rollup concepts to StealJS:

  • Rollup kinda removes the idea of modules because they’re all put into the same scope
  • StealJS RFC: Production loader
  • Tree-shaking: we’d like to integrate it into StealJS eventually

Custom elements: