DoneJS Contributors Meeting – 2017-09-01

Attendees: @bmomberger-bitovi @chasen @James0x57 @matthewp @phillipskevin

Demos & topics:

New StealJS documentation:

CanJS 3.10 has been released!

can-stache-bindings/colon-bindings codemod transform:

  • By default, explicit transform Element and ViewModel bindings, e.g. <button ($click)="method()"></button> to <button on:el:click="method()"></button> (notice the el)
  • --implicit for implicit bindings, e.g. <button ($click)="method()"></button> to <button on:click="method()"></button> (no el)
  • Works with .component, .html, .js, .md, and .stache files

JSX support in CanJS:

Fixing dynamic can-imports:

Julian’s YouTube Contributors Meeting suggestion:

  • Chasen will start updating our videos with keywords from our demos & topics so the videos are more easily searchable