Many problems with multipage-app build


Issue 1: solved a multi-main build with 2 or more mains in the build method of steal-tools now work (in steal 1.0). made a PR for configless steal bundled scripts

Issue 2: solved if building the app without bundleSteal and using steal.production.js you have to specify the main.

Issue 3: solved if bundled steal and want to load from a module (e.g. jquery) from a CDN or just want to load the css files within the link tag. follow these steps
be careful ! with instantiated you have to use the moduleName

  • for css files pathToDistFolder/style.css!$css
  • for js modules lodash@3.0.0#main full qualified name

Issue 4: not solved the steal-sass plugin ins currently not working. steal-sass needs to be refactored!

Issue 5: solved you can import css files that are not located under directories.lib by importing like import 'css/style.css';. this means steal is loading the css file relativ to the root folder and the root folder is set to be where package.json is located.

Issue 6: solved with a multi-main build and bundleSteal = false steal-tools now created a bundle for buildit/module1/module

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